This is a first for me…so please be patient..
Who am I? I am, first off a dad of three girls (thus the site name). So I will be posting about that. But that is not why I am doing this..
I am more than just a dad. I am proud of it, but that alone doesn’t define me.
I am a husband. I am a son. I am a big brother. I am a friend.
I am an American. But I am also very ethnic.
I am a Republican. But I cannot stand the Tea Party.
I am a sports fanatic. But I love the opera.
I am compassionate. But I can be an as%%ole.
I drink beer. But I love wine.
I work out every day. But I sneak an occasional cigarette.
I watch what I eat. But I love bacon (floppy), cheese and chocolate (frozen, with almonds).
I laugh. But I cry at the drop of hat (you will never see me do it though).
I have patience. But I get angry and yell.
I’ve done good things. But I’ve made many, many mistakes.
I read alot. But I love TV.
I dream. But I have nightmares.
I worry about the world my kids will inherit. But I envy that they will see and experience things I never will.
In short, I am you.
So I have alot to say. About alot of things. Family. Life. Growing older. People. Politics. And the general crap that we (or at least I) see, hear, and experience every day.
So I hope you like my blog. I hope you like what I say. I hope it sometimes makes you laugh. Or occasionally cry. Or sometimes angry. But hopefully always think.
So stop bye often. I will post when I can. I travel with my job so it’s not always easy to find time. Leave a comment. Or don’t. It’s up to you.